Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A&R "Signle"

So, if you don't know anything about Alligators and Republicans you probably don't know that Keith is down in Horsham, going to Temple and doing this Scrap Transistor shit, Colby is in PA's asshole Scranton doing god knows what, and Hayes is in Connecticut learning how to become an activist. Because of these factors there is not a lot of practice time and it is really hard to write and record songs. BUT! Keith wrote a song and recorded it so he wouldn't forget it and Colby wrote a song and got it recorded before he went to a wedding. Without further of due...

Alligators and Republicans - "Single"
1. Balloons Deflate (Colby)
2. Untitled (Keith)


  1. Big Lawl @ the image keith

  2. Loved the songs guys! See ya Wednesday homes.
