Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fill me with more FILLMOREAs

So here is the latest from that great posty punky band the Fillmores. Once again this cd doesn't necessarily have a title I think, but it was recorded in my basement. YAYA basements!

Fillmores - ?

1. Captain
2. Existential Babe Magnet
3. Launchpad McQuack
4. Robot Man
5. Sadness Tech

PS- I just found out they broke up. There will be more to come from that group of kids though.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


So, this took a while and I think it deserves a sappy letter of goes...

Dear Jack/other people who might read this but primarily Jack,

I am sincerely sorry it takes me a million years to get things done. When the site was all like "fuck you" I didn't realize that the blog would never tell me that. Well, I didn't realize it till recently when I was all "OMG I has a blag?" So, we are back to blog format with the second installment from the Sidechops as our bring-er-back-er. Without further ado, "El Oh El @ Albert"

Sidechops - El Oh El 2 Albert

1. Navigating Orion
2. OC Dminor
3. River Song
4. Snookie Takes It On The Chin

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Music Up On .TK

Hey everyone...

Not sure if any one actually reads this blog still, but there is new music on the .tk site. Mike Roach gave me some Me and this army, Tuck and Pull, and the Very Magic demo. I guess you could call it the very best of Matt Quinn or at least the history. So go now and download download download!

p.s. I dont think i am going to upload music on here anymore because i dislike screwing with mediafire when you can just dL off the website. BUT you should still check back here for news and shit.

LoVe YoU


Sunday, December 13, 2009

HEY KIDS!!!!!!


you know what just happened...







or Scrap Transistor


Thursday, December 3, 2009

New Site (but its not done yet)

Hello readers,

Some of you may know that i have been working on a new website for my cybermedia class. It has the same shit to download but a fancy new look, kinda. Here's the link:

Um...hope you like it, but I am going to keep updating this site and not that one right now. So, stop back here for some updates this month.

Peace and love

Scrap Transistor

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A&R "Signle"

So, if you don't know anything about Alligators and Republicans you probably don't know that Keith is down in Horsham, going to Temple and doing this Scrap Transistor shit, Colby is in PA's asshole Scranton doing god knows what, and Hayes is in Connecticut learning how to become an activist. Because of these factors there is not a lot of practice time and it is really hard to write and record songs. BUT! Keith wrote a song and recorded it so he wouldn't forget it and Colby wrote a song and got it recorded before he went to a wedding. Without further of due...

Alligators and Republicans - "Single"
1. Balloons Deflate (Colby)
2. Untitled (Keith)

Megan's Law

Megan's Law is Keswick's favorite bastard punk rock band who, seriously, came out of no where. They are Kevin (guitar/vox), Jack (bass/vox), and Alex (drums). Based out of Willow Grove, they make the trek to Keswick every Wednesday night to play Punk Rock Girl for at least 15 mins. Basically the only thing they say on myspace is that they are looking for shows to play, shows to play, they want to play shows. So you know, check out their myspace and get them to play some shows. (special note- Jack composed and sings the song with the longggg ass title, and during the session they played 1234 but all of it wasn't recorded so its not on there)

Megan's Law - Hold Your Wood
1. Jump In
2. 1-800-Fuck-You
3. Who Says We're Not Hip
4. My Girlfriend Is Cheating On Me But Instead Of Confronting Her I Touch Myself And Cry
5. Dear Erica
6. Secret Life Of A Pie Maker
7. Fame
8. Free
9. Keasbey Nights